Wednesday, 26 August 2015

How to Be a Better Theater Performer

Theatrics and acting can be a very difficult field, but also one that is very fun and engaging, as long as you are passionate about it. Many actors and performers say that the key to being a good actor or actress is all about how much effort you put into it. While this is true in a lot of cases, there are ways that you can work smarter, not harder to become a better performer and wow the crowd. Doing so may require a few small sacrifices of your time from yourself, but in the end you will feel that it is worth it when you hear the roar of the crowd as they shower you in praise.

Jean Leveque

One way to help improve your acting skills phenomenally is by utilizing method acting techniques. When you are playing a character, you should ask yourself, who is this person?  What motivates this person to be making the actions that they are making throughout the production? What part do I play in this world? These are pivotal questions that you need to ask yourself in order to get into the head of the character. A good actor or actress doesn’t pretend to be someone, they become that person. This is achieved by understanding how the character thinks, knowing how they would react in certain situations and playing out the scene in such a manner that is congruent with those thoughts.

Jean Leveque is a marketing consultant who is also very passionate about theater, dance, and the performing arts, especially because she dabbled in the art a bit herself when she was younger.

Tips to Get the Most out of Your Dance Lessons

Dancing, for anyone that has done it before, is a very difficult but very rewarding activity that allows you to express yourself artistically while keeping you in shape at the same time. If you are attending dance lessons, you know that often the experience can be very tiresome, especially for those who are not prepared. That is why below there are a few tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your dance lessons without making you feel drained and exhausted afterwards.

Jean Leveque

 One of the most important things to do when attending dance lessons, is to show up on time or even early. This is because the beginning is usually dedicated to a warm-up period, one that is essential for preventing serious injury. You will find in time that a good dance instructor will not let you join the session before a proper warm-up.

That is only because they are thinking about your body’s welfare, as well as your dancing career. A serious enough injury can end your dreams of dancing professionally for good, so never skip the warm-up. When attending a dance class, it is very important for you to come prepared. This means brining your own rations of water and a snack or two as well. Nothing is more distracting than hunger or thirst. That being said, only certain foods are appropriate. Only drink water, as soda only dehydrates and weighs you down. As for food, stick to light snacks like fruit, bananas particularly are both light and filling.

Jean Leveque is a mother and a dance enthusiast who helps her three daughters learn the craft.

Friday, 7 August 2015

Tips To Find a Good Summer Camp For Your Kids

Summer camp is one of those pivotal moments and experiences for you as a child, one that will resonate with you for the rest of your life. Now whether this is a fond memory or a dark one, is often a matter of what kind of summer camp you had attended when you were a child. Perhaps it is being away from your parents for the first time, or the fact that many summer camps are attended during peak points of development in a child, but one thing is certain, the memories associated with the camp always stick with you. That is why as a parent, you should always put as much effort as you can into finding a summer camp that your children can look back at with fond memories, instead of telling nightmare tales of militant-like structure.

Jean Leveque

Finding a good summer camp is all about doing your due diligence, researching which ones are a hit and which one makes children throw fits. Thankfully, your job is easier than it has ever been thanks to the Google rating system. With this system, it becomes easily visible to see which summer camps have a good experience with friendly instructors and supervisors who put on great activities that help stimulate the cognitive and social growth of your child.

Often the difference between a good summer camp and a poor one is all about the staff that is employed by the camp. That is why it is a good idea when considering a camp to talk to the staff personally or at least over the phone before committing. This will give you a general feel of the camp’s vibe.

Jean Leveque is a mother of three daughters who hopes her children will one day attend camp.